How Do You Know When It Is Time To Leave And End The Relationship? – Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.

September 2015
Blog #15 How Do You Know When It Is Time To Leave And End The Relationship?

Many of my clients come in asking me whether or not they should end their relationship. I guide them in establishing when the time is right to end it. There is no one size fits all way to determine the most ideal time to end a relationship. Many different things need to be taken into account. Everyone has a different threshold/tolerance for what they can deal with. Just like we all have different levels of physical pain we can tolerate, we have different levels of emotional pain we can tolerate.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired it could mean you are ready to end the relationship. You also want to make sure that you will be able to look back and have no regrets and know that you left no stone unturned. This often takes professional counseling to do effectively as it is difficult to think clearly when your relationship is falling apart.
Call me, let’s chat.
Laurie Shoats LMFT
Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.