Entries by Laurie Shoats

How Much Are You Willing To Invest In Your Relationship? – Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.

How much are you willing to invest in your relationship? – Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc. Many people have common misgivings about relationships. Often they believe that everything will just ‘fall into place’ because ,”we love each other”. This is simply not the case. Twenty-five years of couples counseling has revealed many things to me […]

What NOT to expect from your therapist

I would like to clear up a misconception about therapists. So often, people think therapists are here to give advice. This is simply not the case. Imagine how dependent a client would become on their therapist if their therapist were the one advising them on what to do and not to do? That would certainly […]

Another Communication Tip – Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.

Another Communication Tip-Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc. December 2015 Communication. One of the TWO most important components of a relationship. Communication for the purpose of clarity is either one of the things most couples need to brush up on, or it is something they need to learn from scratch. Most arguments stem from misunderstandings and […]