Do You Talk Too Much or Not Enough?- Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.

Do You Talk Too Much or Not Enough?- Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc.

Communication….such a big buzz word now-a-days.

How much is too much and how much is not enough?

What kind of communication is necessary in a healthy relationship? What should we be talking about?

There are numerous different topics of communication that couples need to be well versed in.

One essential topic of communication that often gets neglected is the topic of EXPECTATIONS.

On a daily basis, I see each partner expressing differing expectations they have about how a relationship needs to be.

This can cause significant issues if not rectified ASAP.

Each partner needs to be on the same page, feel like their opinions are being respected and feel safe enough to express an  opinion different from the opinion of their partner.

Sounds easy, right? If only it were. People often have their ‘hearts set’ on a certain kind of relationship and ‘unsetting their hearts’ is not a simple task.

Are you struggling with having your ‘heart set’ on a certain kind of relationship that differs from your partner’s view?

Call me, let’s chat.
Laurie Shoats L.M.F.T. 954.802.1601
Real Life Solutions Counseling, Inc