Is Your Relationship In Crisis After An Affair?
Has infidelity rocked your relationship to its foundation? Has your partner’s betrayal left you feeling angry, confused, and wondering how things got to this point? Are you trying to figure out what to do next or if recovery is even possible?
Discovering your partner has cheated can take a heavy emotional toll. Whether the betrayal was a one-time encounter or part of an ongoing affair, whether sexual or emotional, its impact can be devastating. You may be overwhelmed by ruminating thoughts that occupy your waking hours, disrupt your sleep, and compel you to constantly monitor your partner’s movements and search for information about their indiscretion. As you search obsessively through their texts and emails, you may resent them all the more for turning you into a version of yourself consumed by jealousy and rage.
When Trust Is Broken, You Also Feel Broken
Betrayal at this level can shake you to the core, making you question your beliefs and wonder what else they may have lied to you about. It’s a helpless, wounding feeling when you can no longer seek comfort and reassurance from the one person you’ve always relied on to be your anchor.
You might turn your anger inward and blame yourself for what happened or feel ashamed to confide in friends and family about what you’re going through. Fear about what the future holds for you and your family may cause anxiety and physical distress, like panic attacks and weight loss.
As painful as dealing with betrayal is, you don’t have to go through it alone. Affair recovery counseling can help you connect the dots and gain clarity on whatever decision you ultimately make.
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Though Common, Betrayal Wreaks Havoc On Our Relationships
Sadly, many people in marriages and committed relationships unexpectedly find themselves in this predicament. Not only has it become easier in today’s technologically advanced world to find opportunities to cheat, but the digital footprint we leave behind via email, texts, and GPS tracking also makes it more likely that the one who’s stepped out will get caught.
Even when confronted with damning evidence, partners who have cheated often deny it at first. They may lie or gaslight their partners, trying to convince them it never happened or, after admitting it, blaming them for their indiscretions or expecting them to get over it and move on.
How Infidelity Therapy Can Help
Because betrayal is often something we never thought we would experience, it can be difficult to navigate alone. We may look for solutions on YouTube or TikTok, but trust doesn’t magically mend itself just because we think we could eventually forgive our partner. Without professional intervention and guidance, it’s easy to get stuck in indecision.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, counseling is the best way to move past betrayal and decide what the next best step will be. With supportive therapy, I have helped hundreds of couples overcome infidelity and effectively rebuild trust in their relationship.
Infidelity Therapy Offers A Path Back To Each Other
Many times, clients whose relationships have been rocked by betrayal tell me that what they want most is to “get back to how things used to be.” But the truth is, you don’t want to get back to the way things were because the status quo brought you to this point. Rather than revert back to the same relationship dynamics that led to infidelity, therapy offers a new way to communicate more effectively, improve trust, and heal emotional wounds.
If you’ve caught your spouse cheating on you, it’s normal to feel uncertain whether the trust that’s been broken can be repaired. Even if your partner seemed remorseful at first, perhaps they eventually started blaming you or making excuses for their indiscretion.
Right now, the hurt you’ve endured may feel too deep to recover from. Regardless of how you’re feeling stuck, affair recovery can help you move things forward.
What To Expect In Sessions
In couples counseling after an affair, we follow a seven-step process to help determine whether repairing trust will be effective and the relationship can be saved. While the first six steps will be completed by the partner who cheated and leads to a genuine, remorseful apology, the last step is taken by the partner who’s been cheated on. They ultimately get to decide whether or not they can make a leap of faith and forgive their partner.
This process helps put them in the driver’s seat by giving them the final say about what happens next, whether that means staying together and working on infidelity recovery or splitting up amicably. For couples with children, making a clear decision either way promotes stability and security at home rather than perpetuating tension and uncertainty the kids will pick up on.
What Affair Recovery Looks Like
If you decide to repair your relationship, future sessions will focus on forgiveness, transparency, and repairing cracks. In addition to working through the betrayer’s residual guilt, we’ll cover how to avoid backsliding or assigning blame to the betrayed partner. Most importantly, I will introduce strategies that strengthen communication and rebuild trust, ensuring you can discuss difficult topics safely and openly and resolve disagreements without harboring resentment.
Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for relationships, you will learn to challenge faulty thinking, disengage from negative self-talk, and stop blaming yourself for things that weren’t your fault. We may also incorporate mindfulness practices, including journaling, meditation, exercise, and breathwork to address any underlying trauma that may be a factor in what led to the affair.
As an infidelity recovery specialist, I can help you process overwhelming emotions and find a direction forward. Whether you decide to stay together and reinforce the foundation of your relationship or that separation is a better choice, you will gain clarity and insight about what lies ahead. With a commitment to consistent weekly counseling, infidelity therapy can provide support throughout this difficult time.
But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Infidelity Therapy Is Right For You…
It will take too long before infidelity counseling is helpful.
Understandably, you may worry that couples therapy after infidelity will be a prolonged experience and that it will take a long time to work through your issues. However, most clients report feeling more hopeful and future-focused early into affair recovery work, sometimes even after the first session.
Although reestablishing trust may take time, you can repair your relationship if you’re patient and trust the process. I have helped many people in your situation, and I can help you, too.
My partner isn’t interested in seeking infidelity therapy.
Even if you can’t convince your partner to come, individual therapy for infidelity can still make a difference. In counseling, you can learn how to navigate through difficult feelings and reduce any anxiety or depression you may be experiencing.
Talking things through in therapy offers newfound clarity about your situation which can help you make the best decision. Once your partner sees how counseling is helping you, they may change their mind and decide to join you.
What if I don’t have any proof of the affair before starting therapy and my partner denies any infidelity?
Although it’s common for the partner who’s cheated to deny infidelity, you should trust your gut and seek the support and guidance you need. However, proof of an affair isn’t necessary for healing in your relationship to happen. In affair counseling, we will explore your concerns and come up with a plan to address them, ensuring that you will feel seen and heard by your partner.
With The Right Approach, Recovery From An Affair Is Possible
If you feel stuck, distraught, and confused after infidelity, I am here to support you. To schedule a free 15-minute consultation to find out more about online infidelity therapy with me, please call (954) 802-1601 or visit my contact page.
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Infidelity Therapy in
Coral Springs, FL
7400 Wiles Rd
Coral Springs, FL 33067